Essential Courses for Decorators
in Florence, Italy


Color Theory, Creating Decorative Borders and Stencils

Dates: see calendar

Course Description:
Our eyes read color differently depending on how it is illuminated, what it is next to, an even according to the size of the coloured area. It is important for those who work with color to have a good understanding of these automatic optic responses, so that we can use them to our advantage rather than suffer the consequences. In this course we cover several fundamental rules in the use of color and some basic elements of color theory. We will cover how to combine and match colors and examine the various properties of tints, such as light stability. Based on the theory covered, participants will compose harmonious color schemes for decorative borders, combining the use of the stencils with hand painted elements

Course Outline:
lesson on color theory with example plates
the reproduction of colors
preparation of a harmonious color palette
the practical use of stencils, the use of stencil brushes
use of correct brushes and techniques for hand painting

Projects completed:
Various examples of painted borders on canvas.


For detailed course information and list of materials required please contact the studio:

tel.: 339 429 2531
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